Kari Mutka
Mutka holds expertise in the following sectors:
- Bioenergy: pellets, forest energy, peat, field energy, waste, pyrolysis oil, biocoal and their production chains from raw material to end use
- Peat and sawmill industry and their integration
- Environmental business (waste management, waste-to-energy, composting)
- Horticultural peat and growing medium business
- Integration of bioenergy and forest industry
- Lobbying the EU and knowledge on the EU energy policy and on energy and environmental legislation
- Management (board and steering committee working, management of different businesses, project management, strategic planning)
- Design of new innovative products
Mutka has been a member of the board of Vapo Oy in 1984 – 1994 and a member of the board of several of its subsidiaries:
- Mustankorkea Oy (waste management) 1997 – 2007;
- Keski-Pohjanmaan Komposti Oy (waste management) 1999 – 2002
- KP Multa Oy (landscaping) 2001 – 2002
- WAM Vapo Wastech Ltd (waste management) 1993 – 1999
Mutka has a long experience in international business and cooperation. He has held several positions of responsibility, including the following:
- Renewable Heating and Cooling Platform, board member, vice president, 2009 – 2014
- Renewable Heating and Cooling, Biomass Panel, chairman, 2009 – 2014
- EPAGMA (European Peat and Growing Media Association), member of board 2008 – 2013
- IPS (International Peat Society) Strategy for Responsible Peatland Management – member of working group 2009 – 2010
- IPS, International Peat Congress 2012, member of scientific committee
- OSKE Expertise cluster of energy sector, member of steering committee 2008 – 2011
- OSKE Energy and environmental technology, Central Finland, member of strategy committee 2011 – 2013
- Bioenergiasta elinvoimaa -klusteriohjelma (Power from Bioenergy cluster program), Central Finland, president of the strategy committee (2007 – 2010) and member 2011 – 2012
- Metsäteollisuus ry, member of research and technology committee 2008 – 2011
- Metsäteho Oy, member of research committee 2007 – 2011
- Finnish Forest Research Institute (Metla), president of the steering committee of the Bioenergy from Forests research program 2007 – 2012
- TEKES, Energy use of waste material, member of steering committee and president 1999 – 2001
- Aebiom (European Biomass Association), Biomass sustainability working group, member 2010 – 2011
- Turveteollisuusliitto ry, board member (1980 – 1982) and president (1983 – 1988)
- Expert member and secretary of the Peat Committee 1980 – 1982
- President of the Finnish side of the Finnish-Soviet peat working group, 1983
Mutka has graduated as a forester and holds a lower doctoral degree of Forestry from the University of Helsinki. In addition, he holds an Executive MBA from the Helsinki School of Economics. He was awarded the title of Metsäneuvos (a person distinguished in the forest industry) in 2011.